We know what it's like to juggle schedules, run errands, and get kids to sports & ac
tivities. When everyone is in such a hurry, it's easy to forget about healthy snacks . Here's a simple, fun and friendly "on-the-go" snack list for your busy life:
• GH Energy Bars (Zac's Fav Meet day)
• Honey Whole Wheat Slice (Zac's fav practice days)
• Cinnamon Chip Wheat Bread SliceGrilled Cheese (Victoria's Fav)
• We also make "Great Green Bread" - which is our Farmhouse White bread dyed Shamrock Green - makes fun grilled cheese sandwiches for the kids!
• PB & J Sandwich Quarters (Seth's Fav)
• GH Cookies (big enough to share!)
• Granola & Yogurt (Aimee's Fav)
• Tomato Focaccia Slice
• Yogurt Covered Cherries
• String Cheese
• Pretzels
• Reusable Water bottles for each family member (American population rarely gets too much water to drink)

Dipping and Dunking Snack Ideas:
• Natural Ranch Dressing
• Natural Apple Sauce
• Natural Fruit Spreads
• Natural Peanut Butter
We are always looking for great ways to use our bread. Please let us know if you come up with a great snack idea to add to the list.